The steel pile enterprises because of low technology content and poor stability, so it is difficult for European companies and compete with each other,
Steel sheet pile used as foundation anti-seepage treatment of embankment project is a new technology used in the hidden embankment construction of important dyke in the Yangtze River.
Steel sheet pile is a kind of foundation pit supporting structure. It has the characteristics of high strength, strong adaptability, compact combination,
Steel sheet pile is a very important building foundation material, it is used in many building construction, such as our cofferdam, railway (high-speed rail, subway) construction,
Steel sheet pile is a kind of foundation pit supporting structure. It has the characteristics sheet pile suppliers of high strength, strong adaptability,
Classification of steel sheet pile used in constructionWith the development of industrialization in China, the application of steel sheet pile in China is more and more frequent,
The types of steel sheet pile are divided into U steel plate pile, linear steel sheet pile, composite steel sheet pile, U type steel sheet pile in steel sheet pile type is the most,