Publish Time: 2018-07-11 Origin: FLP 600/3.5,FLP 600/6,FLP 700/8 trench sheets,interlocking trench sheeting
Grooves are usually required to monitor the performance of L8 and FLP 600 / 3.5 structures during or after construction if the anchorage is located between BC and BF, and only partial resistance is generated due to the intersection of active and passive failure wedges sheet piles for sale. The measurement of motion and pressure provides valuable information for the design hypothesis. However, the theoretical reduction of anchoring capacity can be determined by analysis.
Most importantly, data may alert potential hazards that may affect structural stability. FLP600 / 6 sheet pile anchorage wall - short steel sheet pile driven by continuous wall can be used for FLP 600 / 3.5 trench anchor tie bar. The FLP600 / 3.5 tie rod is connected to a similar system similar to the "mother" interlocking groove wall, and the resistance arises from the passive pressure generated when the pull rod moves towards the anchor wall. When the plate pile L 8 wall is constructed on soft or layered soil, the instrument is sure to be guaranteed at high or fluctuating groundwater level or under the maximum load conditions. However, if the failure wedge intersects with FLP 600/6, the total passive resistance of the anchorage wall will be reduced.
The trenches should depend on the conditions of site FLP600 / 6 and FLP700 / 8, the type of data required, reliability, durability and ease of construction. In order to provide certain stability during the installation of piling and longitudinal, it is necessary to drive pairs of piling to greater depth at frequent intervals. Pressure gauge. Pressure gauge is a kind of instrument which is mainly used to monitor pore water pressure in foundation and backfill material. The traditional FLP600 / 3.5 device is used to analyze the anchorage wall and to consider the fully interlocked groove plate, only when the active and passive area is not intersected with the groove plate, the passive pressure is produced. The most common type is open or open pipe osmosis, which provides simplicity and reliability. Clean the interlock with a wire brush (or hand brush) thoroughly, and remove gravel and debris from the interlock by blowing. Pore pressure data can be used for effective stress analysis, which can indicate the imminent FLP700 / 8 failure state and can not be seen from total stress (Q) analysis. If the oil is in the interlock, it is heated to remove the oil FLP 700/8 through acetylene torch.
TACT flakes FLP 600/6 and FLP 700/8 must be clean and dry. It is also possible to estimate the general base area permeability from these pressure gauges for seepage analysis. Pressure gauge connected to sheet pile before installation shall be protected from possible damage during driving. It becomes more difficult to install pressure gauge after driving or backfilling sheet pile. The stub must be high enough to flatten the trench piling (see details). As the beam is horizontal, the pile should be horizontal. (this is critical - the pile must be level. The level must be kept until A-30 curing.
The interlocking trench plate is usually used to measure the lateral displacement of L 8 and FLP600 / 3.5 of foundation and embankment, but it can be used to monitor horizontal movement of sheet pile wall. The most common type is plastic, aluminum or steel shell mounted in vertical drilling or firmly connected to sheet pile surface. Place the pile in place to make the socket open and easy to approach.
If the pile is single (unpaired), two steel beams will be parallel and across the beam. Weld a stub on a beam to support the "up" side of the FLP600 / 6 pile. Usually, the lower end of the inclinometer shell is securely fixed in the rock to prevent the movement of the trenches at this end, thus serving as a reference point. Remove any rough or sharp edges on the front guide interlocking device (male side). The treated L 8 interlock (negative side) will run on the positive side. Any rough or sharp edges may damage the beads of A-30. If no rock interlocks the trench plate anchor, the lower end should penetrate at least 15 feet in the soil that will not move. The connection with the anchor rod should be ideally located at the synthetic earth pressure point acting on the anchorage.